T-lines with reactive terminations *reactive_terms.sp * *uncomment the desired elements to run simulations * *within ngspice: > source reactive_terms.sp * *input source with 1ns delay, 1nS edges, 50ns pulse width, 100ns cycle time Vin vin 0 1.0 PULSE(0 1.0 1e-9 0.1nS 0.1nS 50e-9 100e-9) *source output impedance rsrc vin tline_in 50 *the transmission line, 50 ohm, 2ns electrical length t1 tline_in 0 tline_out 0 z0=50 td=2ns *resistive termaination at end of T-line *rt tline_out 0 100 *resistor in series with inductor *rt tline_out tie 100 *lload tie 0 100nh *resistor in series with capacitor *rt tline_out tie 50 *cload tie 0 100pf *capacitor at end of T-line cload tline_out 0 100pf *inductor at end of T-line *lload tline_out 0 100nh *parallel resonant network *should resonate at frequency of Fo=1/(2*pi*sqrt(L*C))=50.35 neglecting *the loading effects of the t-line *cload tline_out 0 100pf *lload tline_out 0 100nh *series resonant network *same resonant frequency *check waveform at tie_pt *lload tline_out tie_pt0 50nh *cload tie_pt0 0 5pf .control set hcopydevtype=postscript set hcopypscolor=0 set color0=rgb:f/f/f set color1=rgb:0/0/0 op tran 100ps 50ns plot V(tline_in) V(tline_out) xl 1ns 50ns * plot V(tline_in) V(tline_out) V(tie_pt0) xl 1ns 50ns .endc .end