T line with various t-line stub matches *Stubs are positioned 1.03 meters (stub position A) or *3.155m (stub position B) away from the reactive load *of 75+j25. *Solutions use open circuited and short circuited stubs *in a series configuration. *transmitter with 50 ohm output Vin vin 0 ac 1.0 sin(0 1.0 29.6e6) rsrc vin tl_in 50 *arbitrarily long (about 20 meters) piece of t-line t1 tl_in 0 tl_j1 0 z0=50 td=100ns * *uncomment the selected configuration as desired * ******* solution open ckt stub position A *********** *t-line stub match, open circuited end and 2.38m long *this represents an inductance of +j0.6 t3 tl_j1 tl_j2 tl3_out tl3_gnd z0=50 td=11.34ns *1.03 meter long t-line *real part of the impedance here is 50 ohms t2 tl_j2 0 tl_out 0 z0=50 td=4.91ns *prevent floating node problems r98 tl3_out 0 10e6 r99 tl3_gnd 0 10e6 ***************************************************** ******* solution open ckt stub position B *********** *t-line stub match, open circuited end and 2.38m long *this represents a capacitance of -j0.6 *t3 tl_j1 tl_j2 tl3_out tl3_gnd z0=50 td=5.52ns *3.155 meter long t-line *real part of the impedance here is 50 ohms *t2 tl_j2 0 tl_out 0 z0=50 td=15.02ns *prevent floating node problems *r98 tl3_out 0 10e6 *r99 tl3_gnd 0 10e6 ****************************************************** ******* solution short ckt stub position A *********** *t-line stub match, short circuited end and 0.61m long *this represents a inductance of +j0.6 *t3 tl_j1 tl_j2 tl3_out tl3_out z0=50 td=2.9ns *1.03 meter long t-line *real part of the impedance here is 50 ohms *t2 tl_j2 0 tl_out 0 z0=50 td=4.91ns *prevent floating node problems *r99 tl3_out 0 10e6 ****************************************************** ******* solution short ckt stub position B *********** *t-line stub match, short circuited end and 2.935m long *this represents a capacitance of -j0.6 *t3 tl_j1 tl_j2 tl3_out tl3_out z0=50 td=13.98ns *3.155 meter long t-line *real part of the impedance here is 50 ohms *t2 tl_j2 0 tl_out 0 z0=50 td=15.02ns *prevent floating node problems *r99 tl3_out 0 10e6 ****************************************************** *complex load 75+25j at 29.6Mhz rload tl_out join_load 75 lload join_load 0 134.5nH .control set hcopydevtype=postscript * set hcopydev=kec3112-clr set hcopypscolor=true set color0=rgb:f/f/f set color1=rgb:0/0/0 ac lin 100 10M 50Meg * tran 10nS 250nS plot vm(vin) vm(vin,tl_in) vm(tl_in) * hardcopy temp.ps vm(vin) vm(vin,tl_in) vm(join_in) .endc .end