LC network simulating 4ns, 80ohm line *3.3 volt input source with 1ns delay, 1nS edges, 25ns pulse width, 50ns cycle time Vin vin 0 1.0 PULSE(0 3.3 1ns 1ns 1ns 25ns 50ns) *source output impedance of oscillator rsrc vin dly_in 68 L1 dly_in a 80nh L2 a b 80nh L3 b c 80nh L4 c dly_out 80nh C1 a gnd 12.5pf C2 b gnd 12.5pf C3 c gnd 12.5pf C4 dly_out gnd 12.5pf *terminating resistor R2 dly_out gnd 100Meg .control tran 100ps 80ns plot V(dly_in) V(dly_out) V(vin) xl 0.1ns 80ns *measure the time difference between the input to the network reaching *1.65V to the output reaching 1.65V...i.e, the delay meas tran tdiff trig v(dly_in) val=1.65 rise=1 td=100ps + targ v(dly_out) val=1.65 rise=1 td=100ps *set hcopydevtype=postscript *set hcopydev=kec3112-clr *color0 is background color; color1 grid and text; 2-15 are for the vectors *set color0 = rgb:f/f/f *set color1 = rgb:0/0/0 *set color2 = rgb:f/0/0 *hardcopy out.tmp V(tline_input) V(join) V(tline_output) xl 5ns 20ns .endc .end