// twi_master.c // R. Traylor // 11.07.2011 // twi_master code #include #include #include #include #include "twi_master.h" #define ZERO 0x00 #define ONE 0x01 volatile uint8_t *twi_buf; //pointer to the buffer we are xferred from/to volatile uint8_t twi_msg_size; //number of bytes to be xferred volatile uint8_t twi_bus_addr; //address of device on TWI bus volatile uint8_t twi_state; //status of transaction //**************************************************************************** //This is the TWI ISR. Different actions are taken depending upon the value //of the TWI status register TWSR. //****************************************************************************/ ISR(TWI_vect){ static uint8_t twi_buf_ptr; //index into the buffer being used switch (TWSR) { case TW_START: //START has been xmitted, fall thorough case TW_REP_START: //Repeated START was xmitted TWDR = twi_bus_addr; //load up the twi bus address twi_buf_ptr = 0; //initalize buffer pointer TWCR = TWCR_SEND; //send SLA+RW break; case TW_MT_SLA_ACK: //SLA+W was xmitted and ACK rcvd, fall through case TW_MT_DATA_ACK: //Data byte was xmitted and ACK rcvd if (twi_buf_ptr < twi_msg_size){ //send data till done TWDR = twi_buf[twi_buf_ptr++]; //load next and postincrement index TWCR = TWCR_SEND; //send next byte } else{TWCR = TWCR_STOP;} //last byte sent, send STOP break; case TW_MR_DATA_ACK: //Data byte has been rcvd, ACK xmitted, fall through twi_buf[twi_buf_ptr++] = TWDR; //fill buffer with rcvd data case TW_MR_SLA_ACK: //SLA+R xmitted and ACK rcvd if (twi_buf_ptr < (twi_msg_size-1)){TWCR = TWCR_RACK;} //ACK each byte else {TWCR = TWCR_RNACK;} //NACK last byte break; case TW_MR_DATA_NACK: //Data byte was rcvd and NACK xmitted twi_buf[twi_buf_ptr] = TWDR; //save last byte to buffer TWCR = TWCR_STOP; //initiate a STOP break; case TW_MT_ARB_LOST: //Arbitration lost TWCR = TWCR_START; //initiate RESTART break; default: //Error occured, save TWSR twi_state = TWSR; TWCR = TWCR_RST; //Reset TWI, disable interupts }//switch }//TWI_isr //**************************************************************************** //***************************************************************************** //Call this function to test if the TWI unit is busy transferring data. The TWI //code uses the the interrupt enable bit (TWIE) to indicate if the TWI unit //is busy or not. This protocol must be maintained for correct operation. //***************************************************************************** uint8_t twi_busy(void){ return (bit_is_set(TWCR,TWIE)); //if interrupt is enabled, twi is busy } //***************************************************************************** //**************************************************************************** //Initiates a write transfer. Loads global variables. Sends START. ISR handles //the rest. //**************************************************************************** void twi_start_wr(uint8_t twi_addr, uint8_t *twi_data, uint8_t byte_cnt){ while(twi_busy()); //wait till TWI rdy for next xfer twi_bus_addr = (twi_addr & ~TW_READ); //set twi bus address, mark as write twi_buf = twi_data; //load pointer to write buffer twi_msg_size = byte_cnt; //load size of xfer TWCR = TWCR_START; //initiate START } //**************************************************************************** //Initiates a read transfer. Loads global variables. Sends START. ISR handles //the rest. //**************************************************************************** void twi_start_rd(uint8_t twi_addr, uint8_t *twi_data, uint8_t byte_cnt){ while(twi_busy()); //wait till TWI rdy for next xfer twi_bus_addr = (twi_addr | TW_READ); //set twi bus address, mark as read twi_buf = twi_data; //load pointer to write buffer twi_msg_size = byte_cnt; //load size of xfer TWCR = TWCR_START; //initiate START } //****************************************************************************** // init_twi // //Uses PD1 as SDA and PD0 as SCL //10K pullups are present on the board //For the alarm clock an additional 4.7K resistor is also there for pullup //****************************************************************************** void init_twi(){ TWDR = 0xFF; //release SDA, default contents TWSR = 0x00; //prescaler value = 1 TWBR = TWI_TWBR; //defined in twi_master.h }