ECE473 Lab1: Purpose: *Set up Linux development environment *See if your AVR tools are working *Get acquainted with AVR-GCC tools. *Make sure your AVR board is still working. *Get the uC board mounted on the protoboard. *Review C programming/compiling. *Get acquainted with using a Makefile. Task: *Set up your laptop with Linux and AVR tools. *The AVR tools install directions are at: *Mount your uC board onto the protoboard using the tall standoffs. The protoboard physically protects your mega128 board, and provides the low impedance ground plane required for later integration of low-level analog circuitry. That is all you should do for now mechanically. *Attach the programmer to your AVR board and USB port. *Download lab1_code.c and Makefile with "wget" into a working directory. wget wget *Open Makefile with "view" (vim in read only mode) and make sure that the avrdude line uses the usbasp programmer as in; sudo avrdude -c usbasp -p m128 -e -U flash:w:$(PRG).hex -v Go up,down,left or right with the k,j,h,l keys respectively. Close file with ":q!" Makefile contains the instructions to properly compile, link and program your board. It can also clean up produced files by typing "make clean". *Compile lab1_code.c by typing "make all". If the compiler is working, you should see no errors and a number of files will be created, especially the file to program the board with: lab1_code.hex *Program your mega128 board with the command "make program". This will make this uses the "program" keyword to execute avrdude with the given parameters. *See that the original code works. This code counts the number of "S1" button pushes by using the on-board LEDs as a binary display. Get familiar with the code and understand what is going on there. *Now...modify the code so that the S1 push button increments the count by one and S2 decrements the count by one. The count will "roll over after 0xFF to 0x00 and will roll under to 0xFF from 0x00. When S1 and S0 are pushed simultaneously, the count will not change. *Test the behavior of your code. Be tough on it. Is it as you would expect? You may not be able to make this work exactly as you expect, that is OK. Explain you are seeing in a comment block at the bottom of your code. What to show for your work: *At your your next lab time show that you have correctly modified the code by demonstration. This may be done in person. *Show that your uC is mounted onto the protoboard. *Submit your modified lab1_code.c via COE TEACH. Grading -code functioning mostly right 75% -code well commented 25% -uC board not mounted on protoboard -25% -lab weighting = 0.05