
Inclass Programming Assignments 20%
Lab (function and documentation) 80%
Optional (ECE473) Inclass Presentation +5%

Inclass Programming grade scale is:
     0 : absent or no work done
   85 : mostly coded, not functional
   90 : coded, almost functional
 100 : coded, functional.
One inclass programming assignment may be dropped. Programming assignments are equally weighted.

Labs are graded on a 100 point basis and are weighted for difficulty.
Lab assignment functionality beyond stated requirements can add extra points to your grade.
Late labs:
1 day late: 10% off
2 days late: 20% off
3 days late: 30% off
More than 3 days late: 50% off, capped at 50%

Graduate students will be expected to perform at a higher level and will be graded more strictly than undergraduate students. They will also be expected to to give a talk presenting a topic of importance to this class. This will be a 15-20 minute talk in the spirit of a tutorial that supplements the class learning experience. Contact me to schedule your talk.