ECE473 Lab1: Purpose: *Set up Linux development environment *See if your AVR tools are working *Get acquainted with AVR-GCC tools. *Confirm your XMega board is working. *Review C programming/compiling. *Get acquainted with using a Makefile. Task: *Install either VMWare or VirtualBox VMs on your laptop. *Install Ubuntu onto your VM *Remove the modemmanager daemon to prevent conflicts between the bootloader and system software: sudo apt purge modemmanager *Install the AVR tools. The AVR tools install directions are at: *Attach the xmega473 board's programming interface to your PC's USB port. *Download lab1.c and Makefile with "wget" into a working directory. wget wget Makefile contains the instructions to properly compile, link and program your board. *Compile lab1.c by typing "make all". If the compiler is working, you should see no errors and a number of files will be created, especially the file to program the board with: lab1.hex *Program the xmega473 board with the command "make program". The argument "program" directs make to automatically invoke avrdude with the given parameters. *Connect an LED to port A bit 5 and ground using a 820 ohm resistor. *See that the original code works. The LED should be blinking slowly. Alter the code so that the blinking is much faster, maybe 2-3 per second. You can change the code with vim and recompile without leaving the editor as vim understands what a make file is. What to show for your work: *At your your next lab time show that you have correctly modified the code by demonstration. This is done in person. *Draw a schematic diagram of the circuit you have created. *Show by analysis what the current is through the LED. *Submit your modified lab1.c via COE TEACH. Grading -code functioning mostly right 75% -schematic of LED circuit 10% -analysis of LED current 15% -lab weighting = 0.05